
ClassClass Todos CountMethod with Todos
gov.noaa.eds.xapi.generic.GenericCollection 0 5
gov.noaa.eds.xapi.generic.GenericDomHandlerResource 0 4
gov.noaa.eds.xapi.generic.GenericResourceSet 0 1
gov.noaa.eds.xapi.generic.GenericXmlNodeResource 0 4
gov.noaa.eds.xapi.generic.handlers.UrlHandler 0 1
gov.noaa.eds.xapi.generic.modules.GenericXPathQueryService 0 5


Method Todos
getChildCollection(): Figure out child relationships and implement getChildCollection
Method Todos
createResource(): Create a GenericXmlNodeResource when asked
Method Todos
getChildCollectionCount(): Figure out child collections and implement this method
Method Todos
getParentCollection(): figure out relationship to parent and implement this method
Method Todos
listChildCollections(): Figure out child collections and implement this method


Method Todos
getSAXFeature(): implement this getSAXFeature method
Method Todos
getContentAsSAX(): Implement this method
Method Todos
setSAXFeature(): Implement this method
Method Todos
setContentAsSAX(): Implement this method


Method Todos
getMembersAsResource(): Implement this method


Method Todos
getSAXFeature(): implement this method
Method Todos
getContentAsSAX(): implement this method
Method Todos
setSAXFeature(): implement this method
Method Todos
setContentAsSAX(): implement this method


Method Todos
setResourceAsNode(): implement this method


Method Todos
removeNamespace(): Figure out how namespaces fit in and implement this method
Method Todos
getNamespace(): Figure out how namespaces fit in and implement this method
Method Todos
setNamespace(): Figure out how namespaces fit in and implement this method
Method Todos
queryResource(): Implement this method
Method Todos
clearNamespaces(): Figure out how namespaces fit in and implement this method